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It's Bluedy Time Europe!
Surfrider Foundation Europe supports policies that help to reduce marine litter, protect coastal areas from development, address climate change and assure water quality. As the NGO believes these policies should not be decided without the citizens and experts opinions, the Blue Coalition launched the biggest EU ocean protection participative campaign from December 2022 to May 2023: 5 online discussions to engage ocean experts and citizens and gather ideas and suggestions around marine ecosystem protection and 6 digital multilingual questionnaires to involve all EU citizens and invite them to show their support for 10 demands. On June 8th, 2023 (World Ocean Day), ahead of EU elections, the report was presented to political parties in Brussels. OBJECTIVES • Mobilise massively ocean protection experts, EU citizens and civil society organisations to act for ocean protection by allowing them to express their ideas on what should be EU regulation's priorities. • Engage with new oceans protections actors and organisations to build a strong alliance able to put pressure on the European Parliament before the 2024 EU elections." KEY OUTCOMES • 30 new organisations and expert partners joined Surfrider as Blue Coalition members to work together for the EU ocean protection • 60,000 people visited the digital platform, contributing to idea box, sharing their opinion on discussion format and online questionnaires • 7,000 people showed their support for the 10 propositions consolidated by ocean experts, citizens, and organizations - 1 campaign report with these 10 demands has been handed to the European Parliament and political parties to address the pressing situation • 400 experts & citizens registered to stay engaged in a long-term online community around ocean protection topics"
Mission Lycées : Donnez une note à votre lycée
• Description Un collectif de partis politiques a lancé la campagne "Mission Lycées" afin de recueillir les témoignages sur l'état des lycées de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.Cette mobilisation a permis de mobiliser les étudiants et leurs parents, les enseignants et les personnels des établissements concernés. Durant 3 mois, et à travers un questionnaire et une discussion, toutes les parties prenantes consultées pouvaient déposer leurs avis, photos et documents à l'appui. • Objectifs 1. Recueillir les témoignages sur l'état des lycées de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et dresser un état des lieux des besoins en termes de travaux dans l'ensemble des établissements. 2. Co-construire un espace adapté au recueil des contributions (photos, vidéos, témoignages) de la communautés de chaque lycées, afin de dresser une représentation fidèle des besoins." • Résultats clés "- 10 000 visites sur la page numérique en 4 mois - 5 700 témoignages et partage d'expérience déposés sur la plateforme - 4 000 lycéennes et lycéens de la région impliqués, soit une participation de 2% des lycéens de toute la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 1 rapport final présenté mi-octobre 2023 au Président de Région"
Let's Talk Climate
The City of Lyon launched "Let's Talk Climate", a public debate as part of Lyon’s overall strategy to fight climate change. Thanks to this consultation, the City was able to identify measures to be easily implemented in the city, and a need to increase the public knowledge regarding certain city initiatives. OBJECTIVES • Gathering ideas, good practices and feedback from citizens to enrich the Territorial Climate and Energy Plan for the period 2020-2030 • Better information for the people of Lyon on the actions carried out by the city 3. Development of a network of actors involved in environmental issues" KEY OUTCOMES • 18,000 people visited the digital platform • 1,900 participants on the debate digital tool (more than 50% were aged 25-35) • 40% of participants re-engaged in following participative initiatives conducted by the City of Lyon • 30% of the measures put in the climate plan are a result of the public consultation • 1 network of actors involved in environmental issues with 65% of local actors volunteering to participate in working groups"
Rethink the scholar rythmes
Strasbourg City led a school reform on a local level, involving parents and teachers to co-construct solutions and implement key structural changes. At the end of the consultation, major evolutions were adopted: the daily lessons of 3.5 hours length held each morning, free educational activities for primary school children on Wednesday afternoons, free Kindergarten offer on Wednesday afternoons for young children to better support working parent and the new school year starting at the end of August. OBJECTIVES • Understand the organizational needs of families and determine how the city can help • Identify the best school model for children from preschool onwards • Decide what activities should be offered in schools outside the classroom" KEY OUTCOMES • 2,200 participations shared on discussion online tool (including 1,500 from parents) • 5,900 parents and 70 associations involved in the initiative • 950 teachers participated, meaning 50% of teachers and directors working in Strasbourg's public schools • 5 major structural changes applied to the school rhythm in Strasbourg"